Vientiane- CITEM

02 September 2013 - The Department of Trade and Industry-Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (DTI-CITEM), represented by Ms. Romleah Ocampo, Officer-in-Charge of Food Division and Ms. Katrina C. Pineda, Supervising Trade Industry Development Specialist of Creative Industries – Events Management Team, conducted a DEXIGN GLOBAL Philippines Campaign Roadshow in Laos from July 05 to 06.

A Presentation on the DEXIGN GLOBAL Philippines was held on July 05 at the Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry by the DTI-CITEM team for the following government agencies and private sector industry groups:

·         Lao Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MCI);

·         Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI);

·         Lao Handicraft Association;

·         Lao Furniture Association;

·         Lao Trade Promotion Center; and

·         Lao-Philippines Business Council.

Deputy Director General Khampheng Simmasone of the Trade and Product Promotion Department of the MCI and Mr. Daovone Panchanthavong, Chairman of the Lao-Philippines Business Council were among the high-level participants in the said presentation.

Vice Consul Analyn Ratonel and Cultural Officer Teresa Polistico assisted the team during the presentation and in their store visits. END