30 June 2015 - The Philippine Embassy in Prague participated in a seminar/workshop entitled “Territorial Workshop on the Philippines” organized by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in cooperation with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. The business event was held on June 24 to promote Philippines-Czech bilateral trade, discuss current business conditions and investment opportunities in the Philippines, as well as to provide an opportunity for networking and for establishment of business contacts.
The speakers included Philippine Ambassador to THE Czech Republic Victoriano M. Lecaros who spoke on the current economic situation and business opportunities in the Philippines and Czech Ambassador to the Philippines Jaroslav Olsa, Jr., who gave a briefing on Philippine-Czech bilateral relations. Philippine Honorary Consul General in Brno, Bretislav Skacel made his own presentation and also assisted Ambassador Lecaros by replying to questions in the Czech language. Other speakers included Mr. Jiri Stichauer, President of the Czech-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Petr Rozek, transport adviser, consultant and lecturer of the ICC.
All the speakers highlighted the opportunities and huge potential for Czech businesses in the Philippines due to its stable political and economic climate, large consumer base, increasing disposable income, and openness to foreign products.
After the presentations, Ambassador Lecaros met with the businessmen present. END