03 July 2015 – The Philippine Consulate General in Manado organized a panel discussion entitled “Supporting Women’s Right to Information: Promoting Awareness on Key Issues” held on June 25 at the Consulate General. The activity was held in line with Section 26 of Philippine Republic Act 9710 on the Magna Carta of Women (MCW) on the “Right to Information – access to information regarding policies on women,” and was attended by members of the Filipino Community, women-stakeholders in Manado and the personnel and dependents of the Consulate General.
Philippine Consul General to Manado Oscar G. Orcine provided opening remarks, where he expressed the Consulate General’s steadfast commitment to Gender and Development (GAD) initiatives as he explained the mandate to uphold women’s right to information. He warmly welcomed the resource speakers from the provincial government and the academe.
During discussions, the resource speakers gave their various presentations highlighting local laws concerning women empowerment. The first speaker was Dr. Bahagia Mokoagow, MSi MKes, Head of the Bureau of Social and Public Welfare, who presented the organization of her office and its various departments and its role in information dissemination on issues such as women empowerment, inter-religion and HIV awareness.
The second speaker, Dra. Anisa Moerid of the Department of Industrial Relations and Remuneration, Office of Labour and Transmigration, identified key government policies focusing on worker’s rights in Indonesia.
To shed light on international commitments, the third speaker, Ms. Feiby Wewengkang, SH, MH from the Faculty of Law in Universitas Sam Ratulangi (UNSRAT) discussed Indonesia’s commitment to the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). In closing, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Sangkertadi, DEA of UNSRAT presented a position paper on the opportunities and challenges facing the ASEAN Economic Community.
After the presentations, there was an open forum which enabled further dialogue. The activity was well received. END