06 July 2015 – World-renowned choral group, the Philippine Madrigal Singers or MADz, captivated the hearts of Filipino, local and expatriate communities in their series of activities in Hong Kong last June.  

MADz’s two performances at the University of Hong Kong’s (HKU) Grand Hall on June 09 and at the Asia Society’s Miller Theatre on June 10 garnered standing ovations from the elated crowd.  In response, the MADz gave two encores after each performance to the audiences’ sheer delight. 

Concert at HKU

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The MADz’s kick-off performance at the HKU Grand Hall was in celebration of the 117th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence. The venue was filled with attendees from the diplomatic corps, Filipino community, expatriates, locals, as well as HKU officials including its President and Vice Chancellor Peter Mathieson, alumni and students.


HKU Grand Hall is considered the best concert hall in Hong Kong with the finest acoustics and impressive sight lines for the audience. As a teaser for the concert, a MADz quartet gave their rendition of the Philippine national anthem at the cocktail reception.

Known for their use of the madrigal idiom where the singers are seated in a semi-circle and without a conductor,the group’s concert repertoire started with classical and Renaissance music A Cappella Overtures and Mas Vale Trocar which filled the 834-seat HKU Grand Hall with pure voice---without any vocal enhancements nor musical accompaniment.

The MADz then surprised the audience by singing three Chinese songs, namely Mo Li Hua, Fe Yang Ge and Yueliang Daibiao Wo de Xinor (The Moon Represents My Heart), a very famous love song. 

To pay homage to the Philippines, the MADz sang an array of Filipino songs from all over the country including their rendition of Da Coconut Nut which tells of the many good things one can get from the coconut tree and its fruit. While singing the song, the group deviated from their madrigal style by giving the audience a song-and-dance performance complete with comedic antics and Michael Jackson-like moonwalks. 

The MADz has also shown their expertise in various styles and forms with their line-up of pop songs such as Marry You by Bruno Mars and Happy by Pharrell Williams.  

At the end of their concert, one can only hear a chorus of “More! More! More!” from the audience which inspired the MADz to sing two encores, namely Whitney Houston’s Queen of the Night, and the Disney hit Circle of Life which featured the MADz’s amazing voice talent in imitating animal sounds that magically transported the audience to Simba’s jungle. One soprano tweeted like a wild bird while a booming tenor’s voice roared like a mighty lion.

The Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong SAR partnered with HKU-Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) under its SERVICE 100 Domestic Workers Empowerment Project for the concert which also served as a tribute to the student volunteers and overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) participating in the project.


Cliniquing Workshop

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As part of the MADz’s outreach program, the group conducted a cliniquing workshop on June 10 the HKU Library Extension 1 with around 50 participants composed of SERVICE, 100 Domestic Workers Empowerment Project members, as well as representatives of university, church and OFW choirs. During the workshop, the MADz choirmaster, Mr. Mark Anthony Carpio, taught the participants vocal and choral singing techniques. The workshop is the first-ever musical training conducted by a Filipino choir at HKU. 


Mini Concert at Asia Society

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The workshop was followed by an intimate concert at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center’s Miller Theater.  Mr. Ronnie Chan, Chairman of Asia Society Hong Kong (AHSK) and Ms. Alice Mong, ASHK’s Executive Director, attended the event. 

The MADz serenaded the multicultural audience with Filipino, Chinese, English and French love songs. Their transition from classical such as Cantate Domino, to Filipino folk songs including Pamulinawen and the famous Filipino children’s Bahay Kubo (Nipa Hut), to a range of modern hits prompted the special guest, Professor Adrian Walter, Director of the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, to express his awe at how the group was able to perform contemporary songs in a classical way. 

The concert was organized in partnership with ASHK and HK Friends of MADz to celebrate Philippine Independence Day and the 40th Anniversary of Philippines-China Diplomatic Relations.

At the event’s cocktail reception, the crowd could not get enough of MADz’s musical magic that the group obliged them with two more encores. 

The MADz’s performances in Hong Kong left a positive imprint in the hearts and minds of the local, international and Filipino audiences. The group is truly one of the Philippines’ foremost ambassadors for music.

After the standing ovations, the audiences could not get enough of the group’s enchanting musical magic. Just to cite an example, as soon as the theMADz got out of the HKU Grand Hall  after their June  09 concert, the crowd continued to applaud them until they reached the lobby of the Lee ShauKee Lecture Centre for their meet-and-greet session. What a sight to behold! 

The MADz in Hong Kong was part of a concert series in China which started on May 30 in Chongqing followed by performances in Shanghai and Xiamen. Hong Kong was the group’s last stop and was a follow-up to the equally successful Hong Kong tour in January 2014 under the auspices of the Philippines-China Years of Friendly Exchanges. END