San Francisco Hinabi 1

03 August 2015 - As part of The Hinabi Project’s (THP) activities leading up to the pina exhibit at the Asian Art Museum on September 24, it invited the Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) of Manila, with its marketing arm CustomMade Crafts Center, for a trunk show that was held at Krimsa Fine Rugs and Decor and the Kalayaan Hall of the Philippine Center on July 18 and 19, respectively.

San Francisco Hinabi 2

The Philippine American Writers Association (PAWA), Inc., the organization that partnered with the Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco for THP, has been working with both the Department of Tourism (DOT) and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to promote Philippine-made, traditional textiles. 

The trunk show featured the following range of crafts:


·         The pina weaves of Kalibo, Aklan;

·         The t’nalak of the T’boli of Lake Sebu;

·         The tingkep baskets of the Pala’wan tribe of Palawan;

·         The hinabol of the Higanon of Impasug-ong, Bukidnon;

·         The geometric weaves of the Yakan tribe of Zamboanga and Basilan, and

·         The tapis of the Kalinga tribes.

THP invited t’nalak master weaver Bernadeth Ofong of Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, and pina artist Anna India Dela Cruz-Legaspi of Kalibo, Aklan.  Ms. Ofong demonstrated weaving a t’nalak pattern on a backstrap loom, and also danced a traditional T’boli dance for the guests who attended the event.

In his remarks, Consul Reginald S. Bernabe said that “the Consulate’s thrust of empowerment, connectivity and continuity are exemplified by the Project”, remarking on the awareness of Philippine indigenous products that THP has generated with its many activities, including bringing over Ms. Patis Tesoro to explain the intricate art of pina weaving.  He encouraged THP to continue working with DOT and DTI so that Philippine products are made available in the United States, and ultimately provide livelihood for indigenous Filipino tribes who do the weavings by hand.

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PAWA, represented by President Edwin Lozada and Board Member Maya Ong Escudero, met with DOT Attache Pura Suanding-Molintas to develop a textile tour that would take enthusiasts on an interactive and immersive tour of weaving centers in the Philippines.  Atty. Tanya Karina Latof NFTP also met with Trade Attache Nicanor Bautista to pursue the possibility of exporting NTFP’s products to the United States. END