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24 September 2015 - Philippine Ambassador to China Erlinda F. Basilio was one of the keynote speakers during the 10th ASEAN-China Cultural Forum from September 15 to 18 in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region at the invitation of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), a co-organizer of the forum together with the ASEAN Foundation.

The main organizers of the Forum were the Bureau of External Cultural Relatiions of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the Culture Department of Guangzi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Vice Minister Wang Tie of the Ministry of Culture and Mme. Li Kang, Vice Governor of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region delivered the opening remarks, along with Mr. Dato’ Yean Yoke Heng of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Malaysia (as ASEAN Chair 2015); Secretary General Yang Xiuping of the ASEAN-China Centre, ASEAN Foundation Executive Director Elaine Tan and Director General Huang Yu of the Cultural Department of Guangzi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

In Ambassador Basilio’s keynote speech, she underscored the fact that cultural exchanges and interactions, especially at the people-to-people level, are one of the cornerstones of ASEAN-China relations. Ambassador Basilio said that the Forum is yet another example of the dynamism of ASEAN-China cultural connections and is a much welcome opportunity for active cultural professionals and practitioners in ASEAN and China to exchange ideas and insights and share experiences, thereby bringing their countries’ perspectives into the conversation on ASEAN-China cultural cooperation.

Ambassador Basilio remarked that the establishment of the ASEAN Community by the end of this year will situate ASEAN-China relationship in a new era, possibly with new challenges but more importantly, with fresh opportunities for collaboration and cooperation.

The Philippine Ambassador to China further said that as ASEAN integration dawns upon the region, ASEAN and China should continue to foster dialogue and communication and to seek ways to harmonize their objectives and interests as both sides work toward the goal of lasting peace and security as well as prosperity and stability in the region. END