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23 September 2015 - The Philippines stepped up its participation in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and highlighted the importance of nuclear science and technology and its applications to achieving national development during the recent 59th Annual Regular Session of the General Conference and the various side events, including the Scientific Forum, from September 14 to 18.

The Philippines, a member of the global nuclear agency since 1958, was elected Vice-President of the Session and member of the General Committee.

Atoms for development

Chargé d’Affaires Sulpicio Confiado, who led the Philippine delegation during the 59th General Conference and served as a Vice-President, delivered the Philippine statement. “The Philippines attaches great importance to the contribution of nuclear science, technology and applications to the attainment of internationally agreed development goals, including our own development goals,” he stressed.

He also lauded the contribution of the IAEA to the post-2015 development agenda, where it highlighted the inclusion of science and technology in the sustainable development goals framework.

“The Philippines places high priority on the Agency’s Technical Cooperation Programme since it serves as the primary vehicle for the peaceful uses of nuclear techniques which has benefitted Member States across all regions,” Chargé d’Affaires Confiado said, echoing the policy thrust of the Mission under the leadership of Ambassador Maria Zeneida Angara Collinson, Philippine Resident Representative to the IAEA.

He expressed appreciation for the strong technical cooperation between the IAEA and the Philippines, as symbolized by the visit of its Director General Yukia Amano to the Philippines in January 2015. Director General Amano had the chance to see the facilities built with the assistance of the IAEA, including an electron beam irradiation facility, technetium-99m generator facility, an isotope ratio mass spectrometry laboratory, and a newly constructed medical cyclotron. Although the electron beam facility operates on a semi-commercial scale, industries are encouraged to establish commercial irradiators to make an impact on sustainable development.

Chargé d’Affaires Confiado also stated that the Philippines looks forward to the return of Director General Amano to the Philippines in December 2015 as guest of honor during the 3rd Philippine Nuclear Congress.

Atoms in Industry

The Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI), through its Director, Dr. Alumanda Dela Rosa, also played an active role as resource speaker and rapporteur during the Scientific Forum - “Atoms in Industry – Radiation Technology for Development” in the sidelines of the General Conference.

Dr. Dela Rosa spoke during the panel on “The Path Ahead” which discussed the relevance and added value of radiation technology in a wide range of industries to support countries’ development goals

A new generation of Filipino nuclear scientists

At the sidelines of the 59th General Conference, Anton Tanquintic, a young Filpino scientist and also a part of the Philippine delegation, won in the Nuclear Olympiad 2015. The Olympiad is a unique venue for young people to showcase their creativity and knowledge on the topic of Nuclear Sciences and Applications and its impact on human lives, particularly on the topic of “Nuclear Techniques for Global Development”. Director General Amano himself presented the award to Tanquintic for winning second place amongst the five finalists in the World Nuclear University (WNU) Nuclear Olympiad.

The Philippines is among the pilot countries for an innovative IAEA project to develop the youth’s interest in nuclear science and technology. The project involves the adoption of best practices in science education for secondary schools and using a compendium of resources and activities developed by IAEA for high school teachers and students. The goal is not only to raise awareness of nuclear concepts and application but to encourage more students in science, engineering, and mathematics. Tanquintic’s interest in nuclear science was developed during his internship at the PNRI.

Increasing access to cancer therapy

In support of the IAEA’s Program of Action on Cancer Therapy, Chargé d’Affaires Confiado also gave an interview on the issue of access to cancer therapy. The Philippines, as member of the G-77 and China Group, had facilitated the drafting of the resolution to bolster Member States support for the Program of Action on Cancer Therapy (PACT) and the PACT Division which handles it. This resolution, part of the resolution on Technical Cooperation, was adopted by consensus during the 59th General Conference.

“As the Agency prepares for its 60th anniversary in 2017, the Philippines reaffirms its commitment to the goals and objectives of the Agency and assures the Agency of its full support in its major programmes.

The Philippines further looks forward to the Agency’s continuing support in fulfilling its statutory function of seeking “to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world,” Chargé d’Affaires Confiado said in concluding the Philippine statement. END