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28 September 2015 - In cooperation with EPECTO (Exchange Program on Education, Culture and Teaching Objectives) g.e.V, the Philippine Embassy in Berlin hosted the exhibition, “Dimensions of Perception: The Philippines in Historic Cartography and Cultural Themes.” The exhibit will run from September 21 to 25 at the Bulwagang Rizal of the Philippine Embassy.

Reproductions of Philippine historical maps created by European cartographers are on display. The maps are from the collection of Prof. Dr. Leovino Ma. Garcia (Commander in the Belgian Order of Leopold II in 2012) of the Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU).

Also exhibited are wood works with Philippine cultural themes crafted by Mr. Rudolf Heck, a German national with a long history of working for the benefit of disadvantaged Filipinos.

EPECTO is a non-stock incorporated association that supports humanitarian operations and disaster relief. It is also an accredited “sending organization” of the “Weltwärts socio-political volunteer service system” under the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). END