25 November 2015 – The overseas voters (OV) registration in Lebanon ended with the registration of the last applicant, Ms. Evangeline Ruiz Maglalang, during the Embassy’s OV Mobile Registration at Carmen’s Filipino Store in Hamra last October 31.

The Embassy registered a total of 7,265 new overseas voters, exceeding by 45.3 percent or by 2,265 more its mandated target of 5,000 new registrants. This is a significant increase of almost half the number of its primary target of registrants for the whole registration period.

Aside from the Monday-Friday registrations held during office hours, the Embassy conducted a total of 41 OV Mobile Registrations in churches, Embassy-initiated cultural events, Filipino community gatherings, shops and restaurants all over Lebanon from 06 May 2014 to 31 October 2015.

As a result of its active and sustained campaign, the Embassy was able to serve a total of 9,553 applicants out of a total number of 27,812 Filipinos currently in Lebanon and achieved the following results:

  • 7,265  new overseas voters
  • 2,112  applications for re-activation of registration records (comprising 1,902 applications from the Philippines, 198 applications in Lebanon and 12 from other Foreign Service Posts)
  • 166     requests for transfer of registration records
  • 10        applications for correction or change of names/other entries in the registration records

The successful outcome of the Embassy’s campaign efforts was made possible with the support and cooperation of the following:

  • Filipino community organizations, individual Filipinos and Filipino-Lebanese community volunteers in Beirut, Sidon, Tyre, Tripoli and Zahle
  • Church institutions: St. Francis Church in Hamra, St. Joseph Church in Tabaris, St. Elie Church in Antelias
  • Various Filipino Christian ministry groups: Couples for Christ Lebanon, Church of God-Philippine Global Ministry, Iglesia Ni Cristo, Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ, Jesus is Lord
  • Restaurant owners and Filipinos operating or working in shops, malls or restaurants: Chopsticks, Sushiholic, Oceanus, Yabani, Kampai, Soto, Tsunami, Sushiko, Sushi Bento, Le Yen, Le Kimono, Tondonian Restaurant, Carmen’s Filipino Store, Moka Café (former Abou Youssef Café) in Tripoli, Candy Ice Cream Parlor in Broumana, Stargate Mall in Zahle
  • Lebanese media/newspapers and private individuals. END