07 December 2015 - Ambassador Maria Zeneida Angara-Collinson, Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), reaffirmed the country’s commitment to UNIDO during the 16th Session of its General Conference in Vienna held from November 30 to December 04. The Philippines likewise served as one of the Vice-Presidents of the Conference.

As the head of the Philippine delegation to the conference, Ambassador Angara-Collinson noted that the 16th Session comes at a “historic juncture in the global development agenda”, following the 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai and the UN Sustainable Development Summit in New York, and parallel to the 21st Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris.

In her plenary statement, Ambassador Angara-Collinson recalled how the Philippines helped build and strengthen UNIDO and renewed the country’s commitment to the goal of the organization to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development. She noted the contribution of former Secretary of Foreign Affairs Domingo L. Siazon, who served for two terms as UNIDO’s Director-General.

“The Philippines is ready to partner with UNIDO in projects that contribute to the eradication of poverty, promote sustainable and inclusive economic development through industrialization and innovation, and support resilient physical, institutional and human resources infrastructure.”, said Ambassador Angara Collinson while delivering the Philippine national statement.

Ambassador Angara-Collinson likewise called for UNIDO to revisit its livelihood assistance project for communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan, noting that it “strikes at the heart of inclusive and sustainable development.”

The Philippines currently has five ongoing projects with UNIDO in the energy and environment thematic area. The Philippines also sits in the Industrial Development Board, the highest-policy making body of the Organization after the General Conference. END