10 December 2015 - In observance of World AIDS Day, the Philippine Consulate General in Manado organized a seminar on “Understanding Gender and HIV/AIDS,” held on December 01 at the Consulate General’s Conference Room.

The event was participated by Filipino teachers of Manado Independent School (MIS), Border Crossing Officers of the Philippine-Indonesian Border Committee, Indonesian officials from Siloam Hospital, the North Sulawesi Provincial AIDS Commission, University of Sam Ratulangi (UNSRAT), Yayasan Batamang Plus, other guests, and personnel of the Consulate General.

For the introduction, alternate Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point and Secretary to the Consul General Ma. Valerie L. Frogozo gave a briefer on World AIDS Day, which according to the World Health Organization, calls to expand antiretroviral therapy to all people living with HIV, the key to ending the Aids epidemic within a generation noting this year’s theme is “Getting to zero; end Aids by 2030.” This day also demonstrates international solidarity for people living with HIV and to commemorate those who have succumbed to HIV/AIDS.

For the welcome remarks, GAD Focal Point Person Maria Cecilia P. Wenceslao, on behalf of the Consulate General, affirmed the commitment of Post to fulfill its GAD mandate to promote the right to information and awareness on important issues. She warmly welcomed the four resource speakers: Dr. Ferra Olivia Mawu, Mmed, SpKK of Siloam Hospital; Ms. Daisy M. Waworuntu, SH of North Sulawesi Provincial AIDS Commission; Dr. Inneke Fenny Melke Rumengan of UNSRAT; and Ms. Hermin Makalew, Program Organizer of Yayasan Batamang Plus. Following the lectures, an open forum was conducted.

During the open forum, Ms. Christien Taawoeda of Yayasan Compassion First Indonesia, which runs a shelter for trafficking survivors, shared that there are several HIV testing sites in Manado, which can be done for free and results are treated with confidentiality. She suggested that the Consulate General could coordinate with her organization in extending HIV testing services to Filipinos living in Manado and Bitung.

In his closing remarks, Philippine Consul General Oscar Orcine expressed his appreciation to the four resource speakers for sharing their insights, especially Ms. Makalew for her courage in sharing her inspirational story.He expressed the need for increased awareness of HIV and compassion for those living with HIV as well as those dealing with the effects of HIV in the community. He remembered that during his posting in Kenya and South Africa he vividly recalls a Filipino priest who lamented on officiating, daily, many burials of HIV/AIDS victims.

The Consul General also shared that the Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, said that the only great hope of our country, our motherland, is our youth. On this note, he encouraged everyone to do his/her role in helping our youth to be an AIDS free generation.

After the seminar, dinner was served to allow further interaction and discussion among the participants and resource speakers. END