06 January 2016 - In accordance with the Department of Foreign Affairs’ Department Order 22-2013, the Philippine Embassy in Beirut held its Team Building Activity (TBA) for 2015 at the Roof Function Hall of Hotel Padova, in Sin El Fil last December 27, 2015.

The 2015 TBA aims to build a strong feeling of unity, loyalty, shared goals and team spirit, as well as foster interpersonal relationships and effective team work among all Embassy, POLO and OWWA personnel while conducting an assessment of the goals and targets successfully achieved in 2015 and setting the goals and targets for 2016. All the officers and staff of the Embassy, POLO and OWWA actively participated in the TBA facilitated by Mr. Alejandro Ricardo D. Ruiz.

During the TBA, Philippine Ambassador to Lebanon Leah M. Basinang-Ruiz also gave an update on the results of the recently concluded Regional Consultation Meeting of Heads of Posts in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region (plus Turkey) held in Manila last December 01 to 04, 2015. END