07 February 2016 - A revitalized Philippine Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong made its presence felt in the Hong Kong business community during the Joint Business Community Luncheon with Chief Executive CY Leung at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on January 27.

Chief Executive Leung spoke at length about his government’s efforts in improving the business climate of Hong Kong by focusing on information technology innovation, education, the Belt and Road Initiative, and infrastructure development.

With the revitalization of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce, the Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong now has a valued partner in promoting the country as a viable investment destination.

To know more about the Chamber, a briefing session by Allied Bank Managing Director Lourdes Salazar will be held at the Philippine Consulate General, 14/F United Centre, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong, on February 29 at 6:00 pm. END