28 March 2016 - In celebration of the 2016 National Women’s Month, the Philippine Consulate General in Manado organized a seminar entitled “Kapakanan ni Juana, Isamasa Agenda” (Include Women in the Agenda), a Gender and Development (GAD) activity held on March 19 at the Consulate General’s Conference Room.
The event was attended by members of the Filipino community, women stakeholders in Manado, Filipino teachers of Manado Independent School (MIS), and the personnel and dependents of the Consulate General, with a sex-disaggregated data of 17 women and 11 men.
For the introduction, Ms. Raquel G. Javier, organizer and host of the GAD activity gave a briefer on National Women’s Month, in which every year, programs and activities are being organized to honor, recognize, and celebrate the achievements of women around the world.
In his welcome remarks, Philippine Liaison Officer Salvador Henry H. Quinto, expressed the Consulate General’s commitment to GAD initiatives and activities which aims awareness on important issues that affect women. He encouraged all participants to fully cooperate to truly achieve the objectives of the activity. He warmly welcomed the three resource speakers, the teachers and other participants.
During discussions, the resource speakers shared their personal experiences and gave presentations concerning women empowerment and gender equality. The first speaker, Ms. Femilya Margatan, a young entrepreneur shared her valuable insights and experiences when she pursued her passion and transformed it into something productive. She became a Chef and owns a business at a young age. According to her, being a woman should not hinder you to follow your dreams and ambitions. She emphasize that one must maximize her potential as a woman.
The second speaker, Ms. Elizabeth Sto. Domingo, a professor from Manado Independent School currently taking master’s degree in Special Education, prepared engaging activities such as stereotyping of different jobs/ employment/ profession, group discussion regarding pledge for parity and video presentation on gender parity/disparity. Based on the discussions, to achieve gender equality, we need the support of the government, business and civil society.
The third speaker, Ms. Mulia Sarlita Dilapanga, Placement Division Staff of the National Board of Placement Protection for Indonesia Migrant Workers, gave remarks on how women’s empowerment can be achieved through increased awareness and trainings/ programs. She also provided presentation of women in politics in Manado and North Sulawesi and video on contemporary women’s achievement which presented some excerpts of interviews made on inspirational women.
For the closing remarks, Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Manuel R. Ramos expressed his appreciation to the three resource speakers for sharing their insights and for their efforts in supporting the activity of the Consulate General. OIC Ramos challenged every woman to stand and break through fear and self-doubt in order to face the many barriers that hinders women to rise and achieve their ambitions. He also calls for men who can stand and promote the rights of women.
After the seminar, lunch was provided to the participants to allow further interaction and discussion between the attendees and resource speakers. END