Prague SEAsia

25 April 2016 — The Philippine Embassy in Prague linked with  the EU-Philippines Business Network (EPBN) and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic in a seminar titled “Philippines: Gateway to Southeast Asia” at the Confederation of Industry’s headquarters in Prague on April 13.

The seminar was organized by the Confederation of the Czech Republic in partnership with the EPBN. Mr. Lukas Martin, Director of International Relations of the Confederation moderated the program.

Philippine Ambassador to the Czech Republic Victoriano M. Lecaros, in his remarks, encouraged enhanced Philippine-Czech Republic economic cooperation through business and investments. The Czech Government was represented by Mr. Jaromir Dudak, head of the Asia-Africa Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Mr. Bretislav Skacel, Philippine Honorary Consul-General in Brno, of the Philippine-Czech Business Council gave a presentation on the activities of the European Strategic Cluster Partnership focused on the sustainable use of natural resources.

Mr. Valerio Mazzone, EU Business Support and Outreach Manager of the Makati-based EPBN, made a presentation on the Philippine market, its opportunities and prospects for Czech companies, and the EPBN resources and business support services available to Czech companies.

The Seminar was attended by representatives from 24 Czech companies, which are part of the Confederation’s network, including Skoda Praha, Inekon Group, Czech Export Bank, CSOB Bank, Hydropol Project and Manager, Bonatrans Group, Optokon, Mlad Fronta News, SKD Trade, among others.

First Secretary and Consul Juan E. Dayang, Jr., Philippine Embassy’s economic officer readily answered questions  during the networking and individual consultations following the closing of the Seminar.

The Confederation of Industry is the premier business lobbying organization in the Czech Republic representing employers at both domestic and international level. The Confederation acts as an umbrella organization for 25 associations with almost 16,000 total number of membership. Post has a good working relationship with EPBN in promoting bilateral trade and investments between the Philippines and Czech Republic as well as with the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.  END