06 May 2016 - Philippine Ambassador to Singapore Antonio A. Morales delivered the keynote address at the 1st Capacity-Building Workshop on Strengthening the Role of ASEAN Labor Attachés in Singapore at the Orchard Hotel on April 26. The event was co-organized by the Philippine Overseas Labor Office headed by Labor Attaché Ramon Tionloc Jr. and the International Labor Organization under its ASEAN Triangle Project (ATP) that is aimed to further enable ASEAN labor attachés and consular officials handing labor matters to deliver better protection and support services to migrant workers.

Former PHL Labor and Employment Undersecretary Manuel Imson, ATP Project Coordinator organized and facilitated the workshop, which was participated in by representatives from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia and Singapore. In his brief remarks, Ambassador Morales lauded the ILO for organizing the workshop. Mr. Imson, on the other hand, thanked Ambassador Morales for supporting the ATP initiative. END