18 May 2016 - The halls of the Embassy resounded with cheers, laughter, and child-like sounds as Teacher Dyali (Ms. Jolizbeth Justo) together with Ms. Erjoe of Adarna House in cooperation with the Sentro Rizal, Philippine Embassy in Jakarta, National Commission for Culture and the Arts conducted the Storytelling Workshop for Volunteer teachers in Jakarta on April 30. A total of 45 teachers from various schools in Jakarta joined the workshop.
Meanwhile, similar workshops were also conducted at the Fajar Hidayah Islamic School in Cibubur Indonesia which was participated by 60 grade school teachers on April 29. The Filipino community in Bali spearheaded by Ms. Nerissa Garrido also organized the workshop in Bali which was attended by 25 Filipino and Indonesian teachers.
The workshops are only one of the series of events that the Embassy’s Sentro Rizal has planned in order to reach out to Filipino children in Indonesia and instill in them knowledge of their own culture and national identity.
Participants at the workshops were taught how to read stories to young children and how to inculcate in the young minds a love for reading. Teacher Dyali’s enthusiastic and infectious natural talent ignited the teachers’ creativity such that each group’s presentation showcased superior performance that can be exhibit by the teachers.
As a culminating activity, a storytelling session for kids was conducted by Teacher Dyali at the Sentro Rizal, Philippine Embassy on May 05. The session was attended by 21 children. END