Vienna 1

24 May 2016 - The Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) led by Director-General Li Yong paid tribute to the late Secretary of Foreign Affairs Domingo L. Siazon, Jr. in a commemorative ceremony at the Vienna International Center on May 19. Secretary Siazon served as UNIDO’s first elected Director-General after it became a UN specialized agency and held the position from 1985 to 1993.

The commemorative ceremony was attended by representatives of Permanent Missions to UNIDO, former and current employees and officials of UNIDO, members of the Filipino community, and acquaintances of Secretary Siazon. Philippine Ambassador to Austria Maria Zeneida Angara Collinson, Deputy Chief of Mission Sulpicio M. Confiado, and Third Secretary Juan Carlos C. Borromeo represented the Philippine Permanent Mission at the ceremony.

Tributes were read by Director-General Li Yong, IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano through his representative, Ambassador Maria Zeneida Angara Collinson, President of the UNIDO Staff Council Mr. Eric Appatieng, President of the VIC Club Filipino Ms. Miriam de la Cruz, and former UNIDO employees Christine Weiss and Archalus Tcheknevorian-Asenbauer.

The tributes underscored Secretary Siazon’s pivotal leadership of UNIDO during its early days and his commitment to providing assistance to developing countries. He was also hailed as a consummate diplomat with a brilliant mind and dignified bearing. He was remembered by most of his staff as having a cheerful and affable disposition towards his employees.

Ambassador Angara Collinson thanked all the speakers for their kind words and encouraged all present to honor Secretary Siazon’s memory by energizing UNIDO and helping UNIDO overcome its current challenges.

Secretary Domingo L. Siazon, Jr. served as the first resident Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Philippines to Austria from 1977 to 1985 prior to his election as UNIDO Director-General. END

Vienna 2