25 May 2016 – Philippine Consul General to Los Angeles Leo Herrera-Lim, joined by the Consulate General personnel and the Pilipino Workers Center (PWC), promoted the “Historic Filipinotown” (HiFi) Jeepney tour on May 21.   

PWC is a non-profit organization serving Filipinos in Southern California through a number of services and programs that meet the needs of Filipino workers and their families and the diverse low-income population of Historic Filipinotown. Some of its advocacies in partnership with the Consulate included protection of workers’ rights and benefits and immigration reform.

The PWC Jeepney used for this tour is an original 1944 Willys-Overland jeep used by the U.S. forces in the Philippines during World War II. It was refurbished by SARAO Motors in the early ‘50s, like the ubiquitous jeepneys that ply the streets of the Philippines, and was shipped to a couple in Washington State in the 1970s.  It was purchased from an online site a few years ago by the husband of PWC Executive Director Aquilina Soriano-Verzosa. 


Several owners/managers of Philippine anchored businesses in the L.A. area joined the Jeepney tour.

For more information on HiFi Jeepney tours, you may visit this link: END