01 June 2016 - The ASEAN Ankara Committee (AAC) held their 4th Annual ASEAN Diplomats Friendly Bowling Tournament at Armada Roll House Bowling Ankara on May 07. I t was the second time the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) joined the event, as per invitation of the AAC.

The tournament was officially opened with a ceremonial roll of the ball by the respective Ambassadors of ASEAN missions, namely, His Excellency Mohd Sahrip Othman of Brunei Darussalaam, His Excellency Wardana of Indonesia, His Excellency Dato Amran Mohamed Zin of Malaysia, Philippine Ambassador to Turkey Maria Rowena Mendoza Sanchez, His Excellency A Selvarajah of Singapore, Minister Chatchawan Sakornsin (representing His Excellency Tharit Charungvat) of Thailand, and His Excellency Pham Anh Tuan of Vietnam, the Char of the AAC. Joining them was the Deputy Director General of the Asia Pacific General Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Ms. Inci Ersoy.

This year, a total of 11 teams were formed and the teams were mixed to foster solidarity among ASEAN Ankara Committee (AAC) and TMFA. Two rounds were played and the total individual score will determine the top male and female players and the top three best teams with the highest scores.

Team 11, composed of Ms. Osfinita Tahir (Brunei), Mr. Antonio Castillo (Philippines), Mr. Sulama Karta (Indonesia), Mr. Richard Oktorison (Indonesia) and Mr. Muammer Yarar (Thailand), was this year’s champion.

Ms. Osfinita Tahir, Second Secretary from Embassy of Brunei and Mr. Richard Oktorison from Embassy of Indonesia were the Top Female and Male Scorers, respectively.

This year's tournament was organized by the Embassy of Vietnam, as Chair of the ASEAN Ankara Committee (AAC) for 2016. The event was co-organized by the Embassies of Singapore and the Philippines in Turkey.

The annual bowling tournament, which started in 2012, under the initiative of the Philippines, is aimed at further enriching the already friendly relations between ASEAN countries and the relations between the ASEAN countries with the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The recognition by the MFA of AAC activities is a step forward in enhancing ASEAN's engagement with Turkey.

Mr. Jeremy Low and Ms. Priscilla Chang of the Singapore Embassy, joined by the Philippine Embassy in Ankara’s Ms. Eunice Trinidad and Rowena Neri with supervision of Ms. Anna Ericka T. Abad, Second Secretary, served as tournament secretariat. END