07 June 2016 – The Philippine Embassy in Yangon and the Mama Sita Foundation, as part of the celebration of 60 years of Philippines-Myanmar bilateral relations, formally turned over books on Philippine history and culture to the National Library of Myanmar (Yangon) on June 01.

Philippine Ambassador to Myanmar Alex G. Chua, in presenting the books to Daw Mya Oo, Director, National Library of Myanmar (Yangon), noted the signing of the Executive Program on Cultural Cooperation between the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture in May this year. He expressed hope that the Executive Program, the first agreement between the Philippines and Myanmar to be signed during the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Philippines-Myanmar bilateral relations, will lead to linkages between the two countries national libraries.

Mr. John Letana, representing the Mama Sita Foundation, also handed over a set of Mama Sita cookbooks and commemorative stamps issued by the Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) to commemorate the Philippine food icon’s contribution to Philippine culinary heritage.

The National Library of Myanmar (Yangon) traces its history back to 1883 when Sir Charles Edward Bernard, British Commissioner for Lower Myanmar, established the Bernard Free Library. The library is a repository of some rare collections such as the Alphabetum Burmanun published in 1776 in Rome and publications of the Yadanapon Naypyitaw Press established by King Mindon in 1853. END