08 June 2016 - Austria's Federal President Heinz Fischer invited Philippine Ambassador to Austria Maria Zeneida Angara Collinson to the Habsburg Palace for a tête-à-tête, amply supplemented by Viennese coffee, on the occasion of the forthcoming 70th anniversary of the establishment of modern Philippines-Austria diplomatic relations and the 118th anniversary of the Declaration of Philippine Independence.
The Austrian President was keenly interested in the Philippines, fondly recalling his visit to the country in the 1980s as the Minister of Science and Technology. He noted that the Philippines had just concluded national elections and inquired about the possible policies of the incoming administration of President-elect Rodrigo Duterte.
President Fischer, who has been affiliated with the Socialist Democratic Party of Austria for many years expressed hope that the Philippines will continue to uphold human rights.
After the 25-minute tête-à-tête, Ambassador Collinson thanked the Austrian Head of State and said that he was regarded warmly by the 35,000-strong Filipino-Austrian community. Filipinos in Austria are well integrated and have distinguished themselves, in particular, in the healthcare sector. END