15 June 2016 - As part of the commemorative activities for the 70th Anniversary of Philippines-Austrian modern diplomatic relations, Philippine Ambassador to Austria Maria Zeneida Angara Collinson held a briefing for Austrian journalists at the Official Residence on June 10. Also present at the briefing were Austrian Commercial Counsellor in Manila Lisa Koscak and Dr. Robert Luck of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber.

Ambassador Angara Collinson briefed the members of the media on the Philippine economic and political situation. She highlighted the recent joint venture between Ayala Corporation and KTM AG, as a positive development which portends well for the rest of this milestone year.

Commercial Counsellor Koscak likewise informed the media that there were several opportunities for Austrian businesses in the Philippines, most notably in the infrastructure, renewable energy, and interior design sectors.

Both speakers noted the excellent economic fundamentals of the Philippines and acknowledged the huge potential for cooperation. An informal question-and-answer session was held after the briefing. END