08 October 2013 - The Philippine Consulate General in Osaka held a seminar on Japanese Civil Laws for Filipinos on October 5 at the Aichi International Plaza in Nagoya City to inform Filipino nationals in Aichi prefecture and nearby prefectures of Japanese legal procedures and requirements.
The seminar was organized by the Aichi International Association (AIA), a government organization that provides support to foreigners in Aichi prefecture, and the Chubu Philippines Friendship Association (CPFA), a Filipino community organization in Nagoya.
The AIA invited three resource persons to provide presentations on selected topics on Japanese civil laws. Mr. Kazuhisa Nomura of the Nagoya Regional Immigration Bureau gave his presentation on the latest information, statistics and changes to the recently amended Japanese immigration law affecting foreign nationals. Mr. Kaoru Hokazono, member of the Aichi Administrative Scrivener Association, discussed topics on marriage and divorce of Filipino nationals and its effect on their visa status including Filipinos who have children in Japan. Mr. Akio Najima, a Japanese lawyer, discussed general principles of the labor law based on actual labor cases he has handled. END