24 June 2016 - Philippine Non-resident Ambassador to Iceland Bayani S. Mercado visited CCP Games, an Icelandic game and video publisher, to present a Certificate of Appreciation to the EVE Online game community for the $190,890 it donated to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan (Typhoon Yolanda) in the Philippines.

CCP Games, the creator and developer of the massive multiplayer online game, Eve Online, held a charity drive through its “PLEX for Good” campaign in response to Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda. PLEX, which is short for Pilot License Extension, is a usable and tradable in-game item that holds both real-world and in-game monetary value. To raise funds, CCP Games received donations of in-game PLEX, or Pilot License Extensions, from players. For every PLEX given by players, CCP donated $15 to the Icelandic Red Cross for Typhoon relief in the Philippines.

In December 2013, CCP Games presented a check for US$190,890 on behalf of the players of EVE Online to the Icelandic Red Cross and His Excellency Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, the President of Iceland.

According to Mr. Paul Elsy, Community Manager at CCP Games,  PLEX for Good for the Philippines[1] was the largest fund raising they have on record and when PLEX for Good was launched  in May 2015 to raise funds for earthquake relief in Nepal[2], the biggest donations (USD$10,000) came from Filipino gamers.

Launched and hosted by CCP Games PLEX for GOOD, EVE players have raised funds for charity to almost half a million US Dollars:

$190,890 – Philippines (Hurricane in November 2013)

$103,650 – Nepal (Earthquake in May 2015)

$44,600 – Japan (Earthquake and TsunamI in March 2011)

$38,900 – Pakistan (Monsoon in September 2010)

$34,350 – Haiti (Earthquake in January 2010)

$32,900 – United States (Katrina in May 2011)

$25,326 – South East Asia (Tsunami in January 2005)

CCP Games was founded in 1997 in Reykjavik, Iceland. With the launch of EVE Online in May 2003, CCP Games established itself as one of the most innovative companies in interactive entertainment, winning numerous awards and receiving critical acclaim worldwide. CCP Games has 250 employees, present in 100 countries and has 500,000 players. END

