29 June 2016 - The Phil-Am Chamber of Commerce of Greater Chicago (FABEX), in partnership with the Consulate General of the Philippines in Chicago, hosted a presentation by Ms. Terry Samala de Guzman, Chief Operating Officer of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chicago and Founder of The Next Step Coaching and Consulting Services, as part of its “Progress and Success Speaker Series” during the “Ika-17th Pagkikita sa Konsulado” on June 23.
The program started with remarks from Jan Paul Ferrer and Abbey Eusebio, former Filipino American Youth Leadership Program (FYLPro) delegates, who promoted the FYLPRO and encouraged applications this year. FYLPRO aims to tap outstanding young Filipino-Americans who possess a sincere desire to be engaged in their respective communities and be a part of the Philippines’ growth story. FYLPRO could also link young Filipino-Americans with the old homeland.
Ms. De Guzman gave a presentation on how to manage leadership development, achieve personal growth through career and life transitions and deal with changes proactively and successfully. She highlighted the key approaches to attaining professional and personal growth: self-awareness, self-reliance and self-fulfillment.
Mr. Adrian Tabangay, President of FABEX, presented a brief history of FABEX and its accomplishments in the past years.
Consul Alena Borra shared important updates on the ongoing campaign for the Congressional Gold Medal for Filipino Veterans of WWII, which has so far received the support of five (5) out of 18 U.S. representatives from Illinois, and the Now Tour 2016, which is scheduled for August 26 to September 03. Announcements were also made regarding the new Philippine ePassport. The opening of Jollibee in Skokie on July 22 met with a loud applause.
Photo opportunities and light reception capped the evening’s event. END