PAR 77

07 July 2016 – To commemorate the 70th anniversary of UNESCO and the adoption of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, the Paris Chapter of the Group of 77 issues a publication entitled “The Group of 77 and UNESCO: Partners for Peace and Sustainable Development.”

The publication is a compilation of statements delivered by the Group during the chairmanship of Philippine Ambassador and Permanent Delegate Ma. Theresa P. Lazaro in 2015, including the G77 Declaration entitled “Building Peace and Promoting Sustainable Development for a Better World” presented at the 38th UNESCO General Conference.

The G77 is a collective grouping of developing countries that was founded in Geneva in 1964 during the first United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. From the original 77 members, this number has now expanded to 134.

The main aim of the Group is to accelerate the industrialization of developing countries, improve the living standards of people in the developing world, and to establish a framework of international trade that is consistent with the needs of rapid development. END