13 July 2016 - Two Filipino marriage immigrants living in South Korea were recognized by the Hana Nanum Foundation, the official charity foundation of Korea’s largest foreign exchange bank Hana Group, in its annual multicultural awards held in KEB Hana Bank Head Office located in central Seoul, on Thursday, July 07.


The 8th Hana Global Family Awards were given to nine individuals and two groups who have nurtured or supported happy multicultural families. Marriage migrants The Filipino awardees were Park Su-jin, 34, and Meriam Divinagracia Manuel, 49, who were the winner and runner-up of the Happy Family Award, respectively.


Philippine Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Raul S. Hernandez participated in the event along with Hana Nanum Foundation Chief Director Kim Han-jo, Minister of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF) Kang Eun-hee, and other ambassadors of the native countries of the awardees.Ambassador Hernandez congratulated the two Filipina awardees, who also won KR₩8 million and KR₩5 million, respectively, for devoting themselves not only to making their own lives better in Korea despite cultural differences and social prejudices, but to improving the society at large in their adopted motherland.


Vietnamese-born Ho Chi Wan was honored with the grand prize, the MOGEF Award, which was personally handed by Minister Kang. Other awards included the Hopeful Family Award and the Happy Helper Award given to nationals of Vietnam, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and China.


“Hana Nanum Foundation will continue to contribute to and expand welfare activities to help settle the sharing (nanum) culture,” Chief Director Kim said.


The Hana Global Family Awards aims to highlight the importance of the well-being and adjustment of multicultural families in South Korea, as well as to encourage and promote an open, pluralistic Korean society. It also provides these families the opportunity to be recognized based on their achievements and capabilities.


The three main award categories are: the Happy Family Award for those who successfully settled into Korean society and lead a successful family life; the Hopeful Family Award for those who have committed to volunteer work to help neighbors in need and improve the welfare of other multicultural families; and the Happy Helper Award, for those who provide support for the advancement of the welfare of multicultural families.


Formerly called the KEB Foundation, the Hana Nanum Foundation launched the program as the KEB Global Family Award in April 2009. Since its launch, over 100 individuals and groups have been nominated and recognized for the award. END