18 July 2016 - Philippine visual artist Ronson Culibrina debuts in Berlin with the opening of his solo exhibition at the Galerie Michael Janssen in Potsdamerstrasse 63, Berlin on July 01. His exhibit, “Resurreccion,” is curated by Ruel Caasi and is open to the public from July 02 to September 05.

The exhibition by Ronson Culibrina selects key pieces from the works of Felix Resurrección Hidalgo, a key figure in 19th century Philippine art, with interventions that bridge classical Filipino paintings with contemporary times. Culibrina inserts a wide gamut of icons and images that open up reflections and discussions on themes like flow of goods and cultural influences, globalization, and the dynamics of the art market and economy, to name a few.

The works in the exhibition visualize social media obsession, pop and iconic objects, and details from the works of other masters, such as Fernando Amorsolo, another key figure in Philippine art who was prolific during the country’s years under American rule.

According to the exhibit’s curator, these compositions are meant to trigger the audience to question the category referred to as “master,” its implications and relevance at this point in history with so many materials being appropriated and reworked, and with the past still haunting the present. 

Twenty-five year old Ronson Culibrina earned a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, Major in Advertising at the Technological University of the Philippines. He has participated in several group and solo exhibitions in the Philippines and in Singapore. He was born in Morong, Rizal and works in Quezon City. END