
20 July 2016 – The Philippines and the 191 States Parties to the 1972 Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage met in Istanbul, Turkey for the 40th session of the World Heritage Committee (40COM) from July 10 to 17.

Led by Philippine Ambassador and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO Ma. Theresa P. Lazaro, the Philippines actively participated in the assessment of the state of conservation reports of 58 sites, and examined 26 properties proposed to be inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

The Philippines also served as one of the Vice-Presidents of the Committee.

During the session, Ambassador Lazaro extended the Philippines’ support to new inscriptions on the World Heritage List, such as the Excavated Remains of Nalanda Mahavihara, Nan Madol: Ceremonial Centre of Eastern Micronesia, Stećci – Medieval Tombstones, Archaeological Sites of Ani, the Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, Lut Desert and Western Tien Shan.

She underscored the need to ensure balance between heritage protection and development concerns, as the Committee analyzed the status of conservation reports of properties already inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Due to the coup attempt on July 15, the session, originally scheduled until July 20, was adjourned on July 17. The 40th Session of the Committee shall resume its work to discuss the remaining agenda items in October 2016 in Paris, France.

The 21-member World Heritage Committee is one of the most prestigious bodies associated with UNESCO whose main responsibility is to implement the World Heritage Convention.  The Committee decides on whether a property is inscribed in or deleted from the World Heritage List. It examines reports on the state of conservation of inscribed properties and asks States Parties to take action when properties are under threat and/or not being properly managed.  It also determines the use of the World Heritage Fund and allocates financial assistance upon requests made by States Parties. The Philippines has been a member of the Committee since 2014 and will end its term in 2017. END
