SG Bayanihan

21 July 2016 - Newly-arrived Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Singapore participated in the 3rd Post-Arrival Orientation Seminar (PAOS) organized by the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) of the Philippine Embassy in Singapore on July 17.

During the seminar, officials of the Philippine Embassy, headed by Philippine Ambassador to Singapore Antonio A. Morales; and POLO, headed by Labor Attache Ramon Tionloc, Jr., briefed the participants on their rights and also the things that they need to observe to make their employment and their stay in Singapore safe and worthwhile. Topics that were covered include, among others, consular services, assistance to nationals (ATN), POLO services, overseas employment certificate (OEC), welfare services as well as those of the Social Security System and PagIBIG Fund, and participation in community activities. The Philippine Commercial Counsellor Glenn Peñaranda provided tips on saving and investment. Aside from the PAOS, POLO/OWWA also conducts livelihood training activities for OFWs in collaboration with Filipino community organizations in Singapore and relevant PHL-based agencies. The PAOS and livelihood training activities are held once every two months alternating with the regular Filcom leaders meeting. END