25 July 2016- The Philippine Embassy in Brasilia held the Fourth Regular Meeting of the Brazil-Philippines Business Cooperation Forum (BPBCF) on July 14 at the Official Residence of the Philippines Ambassador in Brasilia, Brazil.
In attendance were former Senator and current President of the Chamber of Commerce in Distrito Federal (FECOMERCIO-DF) Adelmir Santana; Philippine Consul General, a.h., Mr. Sergio Kano; Philippine Consul General, a.h., Dr. Celso Pimentel; Dr. William Leyser O’Dwyer, Executive Superintendent for Foreign Trade of the State of Goias; Mr. Bruno Caetano Cassiano, Representative of Trade Minister; Marcos Pereira and Gustavo Bernard, Political Advisor of Senator Ana Amélia de Lemos; and Secretary José Renato Ruy Ferreira of the Division of Trade Operation and Promotion of the Ministry of External Relations, among others.
Before reminding the Business Forum that the target date of November 2016 for the Brazilian business delegation to the Philippines is fast approaching, the Philippine Ambassador to Brazil Jose D.R. Burgos informed the attendees about the July 12 ruling of the Permanent Court in favor of the Philippines and its significance to the world especially in global trade where US$5 trillion of goods passes through South China Sea/West Philippine Sea annually.
It was agreed during the meeting that the business trip will be held in the second half of November 2016 and the Philippine Embassy will distribute survey forms to businessmen to determine the composition of the delegation and their business areas of interest, among others. END