17 October 2013 – The Philippine Embassy in Kuala Lumpur warns against individuals who offer high-paying jobs and promising to convert Social Visit Passes (tourist visas) of Filipinos visiting Malaysia into work permits in exchange for large sums of money.

“The Embassy has received information and is acting on complaints from Filipinos about individuals who promise to convert their Social Visit Passes into work visas in exchange for money,” the Embassy said.

“Please be informed that foreigners, including Filipinos who travel to Malaysia as tourists, cannot work here legally,” it added.

The Embassy has received reports that some Filipinos travel to Malaysia as tourists, and then try their luck in landing a job in the country.  They then get “referrals” from other individuals, and then give their money and passports to these “agents,” who promise to get them work visas.

A number of Filipinos have become victims of this form of illegal recruitment and fraud, and are now worried about their status here in Malaysia. 

The Embassy reminds Filipinos to be vigilant and not to deal with unlicensed individuals or purported placement agencies.

They should also verify job offers in Malaysia with the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) in Manila or the Embassy’s Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) before coming to Malaysia for a job. END