17 June 2017


Further to our earlier statement, the PHL Embassy in Tokyo has been advised by Japanese authorities that there are no Filipino casualties so far from the collision that happened at 2:30 a.m. today about 56 nautical miles southwest of Yokosuka, Japan.

The ACX Crystal, a Philippine-flagged vessel, was being manned by 20 Filipino crew including the Captain. They are safe. The ship itself was slightly damaged from the incident.

The ship is being ported back to Tokyo Bay and all crew have been instructed to remain onboard pending their interview by Japanese authorities later today.

The PHL Embassy will be continue to coordinate with authorities on the mater and a team has been dispatched to meet the ship upon arrival and to extend the necessary assistance to the Filipino seamen.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and colleagues of the injured and missing US personnel, including Cmdr. Bryce Benson, the USS Fitzgerald's commanding officer. END