ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Statement on the Developments in the Korean Peninsula
5 August 2017
We, the Foreign Ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) reiterate our grave concerns over the escalation of tensions inthe Korean Peninsula including the most recent testing by the DemocraticPeople’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) of intercontinental ballistic missiles(ICBM) on 4 and 28 July 2017 and previous ballistic missile launches andtwo nuclear tests in 2016.
These developments seriously threaten peace, security and stability in theregion and the world. In this regard, we strongly urge the DPRK toimmediately comply fully with its obligations under all relevant U.N.Security Council Resolutions.
We reiterate our support for the complete, verifiable, and irreversibledenuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner, call forthe exercise of self-restraint, and underscore the importance of creatingconditions conducive for dialogue to de-escalate tensions.
We support initiatives to improve inter-Korean relations towardsestablishing permanent peace in the Korean Peninsula. ASEAN standsready to play a constructive role in contributing to peace and stability inthe Korean Peninsula.
We strongly call upon the DPRK, as a participant of the ASEAN RegionalForum, to positively contribute to realise the ARF Vision to maintain theAsia-Pacific as a region of lasting peace, stability, friendship andprosperity where States and organisations, both within and outside theregion work in a spirit of mutual trust, appreciation and respect toovercome security threats and challenges and prevent escalation ofpotential conflicts with a view to creating an environment conducive tosustainable development, social progress and improved quality of life forall peoples in the region. END