Developments in Mt. Agung, Bali

11 October 2017 JAKARTA – The Philippine Embassy in Jakarta advises Philippine participants to various international meetings that are scheduled to be held in Bali in the coming weeks to obtain confirmation and assurances from meeting organizers that the scheduled meetings will push through in spite of the reported imminent eruption of Mt. Agung with Alert level 4, the highest, still up.

The Philippine Embassy notes that that all international meetings are held in areas considered “safe zones” and far away from the 9-12km radius danger zone around Mt. Agung. These include areas such as Kuta, Ubud, Nusa Dua, and Denspasar which are some 50-75 km away from Mt. Agung.

To date, the effects in such areas of an eruption have been identified as ash clouds that may require the use of face masks; and possible closing of Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali especially if smoke plumes emanating from Mt. Agung decreases fight visibility. In such cases, and should travelers need to return home immediately, land travel to the nearest airport e.g. Surabaya (about 10 hours land travel) and from where connecting flights will have to be booked, may be considered.

In any event, for any emergency or for further inquiries, please contact the Philippine Embassy in Jakarta at:

No. 8 Jl. Imam Bonjol, Menteng, Jakarta 10310

Tel: (+62-21) 310-0334

HP: (+62) 812-9772-9001

The designated focal person from the Filipino Community in Bali may also be reached at:

Ms. Angelita Los Baños

HP: (+62) 813-3793-1242