Advisory No 2 On Situation in Kirkuk
14 October 2017
The Embassy is monitoring news reports of some exchanges of fire between Iraqi Security Forces and Kurdish Peshmerga in Kirkuk Province during the past several hours.
In view of this development, the Embassy reiterates its advisory for members of the Filipino Community in the Kurdistan Region to remain calm but alert and to stay away from Kirkuk and nearby areas.
The Embassy, at the same time, would like to request our kababayans in Kurdistan to limit non-essential movement and to continue to monitor the Embassy's Facebook Pages for updates.
The Embassy also again calls on our kababayans who still have not registered to please do so as soon as possible so they could be contacted in case of an emergency.
The Embassy also again informs our kababayans, especially those who are unemployed and undocumented, to consider requesting our assistance in getting repatriated. END