PHL Embassy in Tripoli Monitors Situation for the Welfare and Benefit of Prospective Filipino Workers

22 December 2017 TRIPOLI — The Department has been constantly monitoring the situation in Libya for the welfare and benefit of prospective Filipino workers in Libya.

Our OFWs in Libya face two natural difficulties: their safety and security, and their ability to send their earnings back to the Philippines.

Based on actual feedback from the few remaining Filipino workers in Libya, the required infrastructure and mechanisms for remitting their hard salaries are still in the offing.

Foreign currency is scarce in Libya, and in the competition for this scarce resource, foreign workers lose out to uncontrollable economic and political forces.

Prospective workers should carefully scrutinize private offers for employment in Libya. These job offers circumvent the safety features set up by the Philippines through so called backdoor deployment schemes where workers are advised to travel first as tourists to other Asian cities to secure their Libyan working visas there. This is illegal recruitment, which is frowned upon by the Libyan government.

All workers who wish to be employed in Libya should follow government regulations and pass through the POEA.

Under the present Alert Level 2, for the safety of all parties, the deployment of new workers to Libya is still not possible. END

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