Public Advisory: Passport Online Appointment Slots

27 April 2018 — The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) wishes to inform the public that passport online appointment slots from July 2018 onwards have not been opened in preparation for the enhancement of the passport online appointment system through implementation of ePayment.

The ePayment will enable applicants to pay at a payment facility of their choice before going to any DFA Consular Office in the Philippines. This will make the passport application process faster by lessening the amount of time each applicant spends at a Consular Office. The ePayment will also minimize the number of no-show applicants and open more online appointment slots.

Pilot tests of ePayment are ongoing. Once ePayment is launched, online appointment slots for the remaining months of the year will be opened. In the meantime, the DFA continues to open slots for May and June.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.