Advisory to Filipinos Traveling to Hong Kong

11 January 2019 – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) reminds Filipinos traveling to or transiting through Hong Kong to make sure they are not carrying restricted items in their luggage.

This reminder is being issued after the Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong reported the arrest and detention of a transiting Filipino student after airport authorities found two extendable batons in his check-in luggage.

Consul General Antonio Morales said personal defense weapons such as stun guns, pepper spray, tear gas, extendible batons, flick knives, and knuckledusters are considered dangerous weapons in Hong Kong. Unlicensed possession of these items is punishable by a fine of HK$100,000 and maximum sentence of five years imprisonment upon conviction.

Consul General Morales said the student, who was bound for Canada, was held on 8 January but was allowed to leave Hong Kong today, 11 January, after legal representation and assistance from the Consulate General. END