DFA Warns Filipinos against Job Offers as HSWs, Tutors in China

19 July 2019 – The Department of Foreign Affairs reiterates its notice to prospective job seekers in China that it is still irregular for Filipinos to work as household service workers (HSWs) and private tutors in mainland China. This comes after the Philippine Consulate General in Xiamen, as well as the other Foreign Service Posts in China, recorded several cases of overstaying and/or irregular employment of Filipinos as HSWs or tutors for the first half of 2019. Most of these cases were of Filipinos illegally crossing to China to work as HSWs. The Consulate General also reminds Filipinos in China to follow Chinese immigration rules and avoid staying beyond what is allowed in their visas. The DFA advised Filipinos who want to work abroad to first check the veracity of job offers with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA). END