Statement on the Passing of Sadako Ogata, Former UN High Commissioner for Refugees and Former JICA President

The Philippines mourns the passing of Sadako Ogata, distinguished Japanese diplomat, the first female UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and former President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Ogata will be remembered for her decisive leadership as UN High Commissioner from 1991 to 2000, a time of conflict and serious humanitarian and refugee crises in various parts of the world, during which she oversaw UNHCR efforts in assisting peoples displaced by various conflicts and tirelessly worked to assist and advance the welfare of millions of refugees and displaced populations. In her work, Ogata also emphasized the concept of human security as it applied to refugees and peoples displaced by conflict and emphasized that responses by the international community should be comprehensive, far reaching, and durable, an approach that lives on in the agency’s work to this day.

Ogata holds a special place in the heart of the Philippines and among the Filipino people. As President of JICA from October 2003 to March 2012, she continued the Agency’s active support for programs and projects that advanced the Philippines’ development plans and priorities. More significantly, she was deeply devoted to assisting the cause of peace and grassroots development in Mindanao, visiting the island and engaging parties in dialogue in 2006. During her term, JICA launched its Japan-Bangsamoro Initiatives for Reconstruction and Development (J-BIRD) to contribute to the development in Mindanao. Ogata herself actively supported the peace process through meeting with MILF leader Murad Ebrahim and visiting JICA projects in conflict areas. 

For her contributions and commitment, the Philippine Government deemed it fit to confer on Madame Ogata the Grand Cross of Order of Sikatuna, Rank of Datu in 2013.

Ogata leaves behind a profound legacy that will enrich international humanitarian work as well as the cooperation between the Philippines and Japan in the years to come.