Public Advisory: DFA to Repatriate Filipinos in Wuhan City, Hubei Province

28 January 2020 — The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is ready to repatriate Filipinos in Wuhan City and the rest of Hubei Province who wish to come home, subject to China’s rules on Disease Containment, including immigration clearance and quarantine process, among others.

The DFA is making available special flights from Hubei Province to the Philippines. Hence, Filipinos in the area who wish to be repatriated should contact the Philippine Consulate General in Shanghai:

Suite 301 Metrobank Plaza
1160 West Yan’An Road, Changning District, Shanghai 200052
Tel. No.: (+86-21) 6281-8020
Fax No.: (+86-21) 6281-8023
Hotline No.: (+86) 1391 747-7112
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Upon arrival in the Philippines, Filipino repatriates will be subject to 14 days of mandatory quarantine per guidelines of the Department of Health.

Meanwhile, Filipinos who wish to stay in China should heed advisories from local health authorities, and cooperate with efforts to quell the further spread of 2019-novel Coronavirus.

Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Strategic Communications and Research Ernesto C. Abella likewise underscores the call of Chinese government that Filipinos in the affected areas needing medical assistance and treatment should go to the nearest medical facility and seek proper medical care, including treatment and quarantine.

During emergency situations, Filipinos in Hubei Province may contact, in addition to the aforementioned Consulate General details, any of the two (2) 24-hour Hotlines established by China Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA): +86-27-8712-2256 and +86-27-8781-1173. The said MFA Hotlines can also be contacted should Filipinos need assistance, supplies, and other needs. END