DOH WeChat Hotline for Filipinos on n-Coronavirus Outbreak


01 February 2020 - The Department of Health (DOH), in coordination with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), opens a 24/7 communication line via WeChat, which Filipinos in China may contact for information and medical assistance on the 2019 novel-Coronavirus (2019 n-CoV) outbreak.

Filipinos in China are encouraged to add and access the said hotline by scanning with their own WeChat applications (apps) the QR code below:


QR Code-01.png


All calls and messages made via said WeChat hotline will be received and responded by Filipino doctors, psychologists, and nurses trained on crisis intervention. This communication line will deal with queries on the health aspect of the 2019-nCoV as well as provide psychological support to the Filipinos in China in the midst of the said threat to health.

Filipinos in China are likewise encouraged to share this information, along with the QR Code of the DOH Wechat Hotline, to the rest of the Filipino community. END