Bulletin: Updates on the Diamond Princess Docked at Yokohama, Japan

18 February 2020 — The Department of Foreign Affairs, through the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo, reports that as of 18 February 2020, the number of Filipinos onboard who have tested positive for COVID-19 is at 35. This includes eight new cases, who are all crew members, confirmed today.

The Filipinos who tested positive for COVID-19 were immediately transferred to Japanese hospitals and are now undergoing treatment. The Embassy constantly communicates with all patients currently confined in Japanese hospitals to ensure their well-being and to provide assistance.

The Japanese government is scheduled to announce today the disembarkation procedures for the end of the ship’s quarantine period. As such, the Embassy is coordinating with all relevant Philippine and Japanese government agencies and is meeting with senior management representatives of Princess Cruises to ensure an orderly and safe repatriation of Filipinos once they clear the Japanese quarantine requirements. END