Statement on the Apulia G7 Leaders’ Communiqué of 14 June 2024

MANILA 17 June 2024 – The Philippines welcomes the G7 Leaders Communiqué issued in Apulia, Italy on 14 June 2024 which reconfirms the G7’s commitment to upholding a rules-based international order and the rule of law in all parts of the world, including the South China Sea. The Philippines shares the G7’s vision of a stable and secure Indo-Pacific region, and stands firm against any actions that undermine global prosperity, international security, peace and stability.

We continue to value the G7’s support in confirming the universal and unified character of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The Philippines shares this firm, unwavering and principled commitment to UNCLOS and its processes, as further manifested by its availment of the procedure to register its lawful entitlement to an extended continental shelf in the South China Sea.

We once again highly appreciate the G7’s opposition to China’s baseless and excessive claims in the South China Sea. We appreciate the G7’s call for China to cease its illegal activities, particularly its use of coast guard and maritime militia that engage in dangerous maneuvers and the use of water cannons against Philippine vessels. We also appreciate the G7’s reaffirmation that the 2016 Arbitral Award is a significant milestone and a useful basis for the peaceful management and resolution of differences at sea.

The Philippines urges China to stop its provocative behavior and distortion of the facts, including through enactment and enforcement of domestic laws and regulations that overreach into the legally-settled maritime zones of the Philippines in violation of international law. We call on China to show sincerity in working together to de-escalate the situation, in the spirit of dialogue and the peaceful settlement of disputes.

We also welcome the G7’s economic initiatives, particularly its support for the Luzon Corridor, which will help pave the way for transformative economic projects for quality infrastructure and investment.

Finally, the Philippines takes note of other concerns, threats and risks raised by the G7 Leaders’ Communiqué and reaffirms its openness to positively contribute to collective efforts in addressing them. END