03 October 2013 – The Philippine Embassy in Abu Dhabi wishes to inform all our kababayans in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that the Embassy is not in any way connected with any travel agency or “facilitator” of visas for the entry of Filipinos into the UAE. 

The Embassy is likewise not connected with any person, company or any entity that offers or claims to offer facilitation services for the execution of the Affidavit of Support and Guarantee (ASG).

The personal appearance of the applicant at the Embassy or the Philippine Consulate General in Dubai is required before an ASG could be issued.

ASGs provided by travel agencies or private persons are fakeThe unauthorized issuance of these affidavits is illegal under Philippine and UAE laws. 

We urge out countrymen to report such activities to the Embassy or Consulate General.

The Philippine Embassy in Abu Dhabi has expedited the release of ASG from five (5) to three (3) working days to better serve the Filipino community.  END