• 1 of 6 Frequently Asked Questions on DFA Passport and Authentication Services
  • 2 of 6 This is a drug-free workplace. Let's keep it that way.

    This is a drug-free workplace. Let's keep it that way.

  • 3 of 6 RA 11313
  • 4 of 6 2024 National Women's Month Celebration
  • 5 of 6 Buwan ng Wika
  • 6 of 6 IHL

02 September 2013 – The Department of Foreign Affairs, Office of Consular Affairs-Authentication Division is pleased to announce that the following DFA Satellite Offices (SCOs) are now offering Authentication Services:

·         DFA-NCR East / SM Megamall

·         DFA-NCR West / SM Manila and

·         DFA-NCR South / Alabang Town Center

The DFA SCOs operate on the following working days and hours for Authentication services:

·         Mondays to Fridays     -           10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

·         Saturdays                       -           10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Below are lists of documents accepted in these SCOs:

1)    NBI Clearance

2)    Police Clearance*

3)    Barangay Certification w/ Mayor Certification*

4)    NSO issued documents in security paper including CENOMAR

5)    Affidavits of Employment, Trainings/Seminars, and Baptism/Confirmation w/ Regional Trial Court (RTC) Certification

6)    Other Notarized Documents (SPA, Affidavit of Support and Guarantee, Consent, etc.) with RTC Certification

7)    Medical Certifications authenticated by DOH

8)    PRC Documents

9)    LTO License Certification (issued by LTO main office only)

10) Foreign Documents authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Foreign Service Posts or documents authenticated by Foreign Embassies/Consulates based in the Philippines

11) School Records (TOR, Diploma, Form 137, etc.) w/ CHED, TESDA, or Dep-Ed Certificate of Authentication and Verification (CAV)

12) School Records with CAV issued by State Colleges and Universities

In addition, regardless of affinity, an applicant may send an authorized representative to apply on his behalf.  Authorized Representative must have a valid ID and has to present a signed authorization letter or SPA from the applicant, a photocopy of applicant’s ID bearing his signature, and a photocopy of the authorized representative’s ID.

Note:   1. *Issued within Metro Manila only.

2. In case the document needs further verification, the applicant is advised to file at

   Authentication Division, Asean Building, corner Bradco Ave., Macapagal Blvd.,

   Parañaque City

3. Liaison Officers of Recruitment Agencies are not allowed to transact authentication

   services at any Satellite Consular Office (SCO).