Statement of Hon. Enrique A. Manalo

Secretary for Foreign Affairs 

Republic of the Philippines 

at the 

High-level Pledging Event 

for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

27 February 2023

(As Delivered)

Secretary-General António Guterres;

Excellencies, distinguished delegates; 

On behalf of the Government of the Philippines, I wish to announce that in solidarity with the people of Yemen and the international community, we will be contributing one hundred thousand US dollars to support the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan through the Yemen Humanitarian Fund.

The Philippines deplores the civilian casualties and displacement resulting from years of protracted conflict in Yemen. 

For the past five years, the Philippines has responded to the call of the United Nations and the international community for funding to address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, over and above our contribution to the Central Emergency Response Fund.

Our modest but consistent contribution is in line with the Philippines’ humanitarian tradition and advocacy for global burden- and responsibility-sharing: for all countries – big and small – to add their voices and contribute as responsible and compassionate members of the community of nations.  It demonstrates our people-centered intervention in crises.  Filipinos are one with the people of Yemen, especially those in most need of our help and those in vulnerable situations, including women and children, migrants, older persons, and persons with disabilities.

Excellencies and colleagues, I assure you of the Philippines’ continued support and cooperation in our common endeavor and desire to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Thank you.

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