Secretary of Foreign Affairs
For Christmas 2019 and New Year 2020
[Issued in Pasay City, Philippines in December 2019]
The entire Department of Foreign Affairs joins me in wishing Filipinos all over the world peace, happiness and good health this Yuletide season. May this year's celebration be more meaningful for everyone as we spend time with our families and loved ones.
As we rejoice with thanksgiving for the year that was, and look forward with joy and hope to the coming year, let us be reminded that our strength as a nation lies in our unity — that is, our ability to transcend our differences and diversity for the common good.
May we all continue working with our Government and with each other to lift our country further, make our lives more secure and our future prosperous. Each year, we face challenges but through our collective contribution, we will succeed in our aspirations.
We at the Department of Foreign Affairs welcome the New Year with renewed vigor in providing world-class services that every Filipino deserves and in advancing our nation's interest in the world community. With our expanding presence in the world, through our various foreign missions, including those that will be opened soon, we hope to reach out to more Filipinos and foreign friends as we gather more support for the programs of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, particularly those that will most benefit the least among us.
I thank our various stakeholders and our partner governments for standing by us and for their unwavering support.
I thank the men and women of the DFA for your dedication and tireless efforts to fulfill our mandate and serve our countrymen as best as we can.
Christmas is about generosity towards each other, oftentimes in the face of sacrifice. I hope that this spirit will drive our actions in the days to come.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!